Monday, August 08, 2005

What The?

I've just reread my previous post and realised how stupid the second last paragraph sounded. What the hell do I mean when I say, "Well, I know I am me, but I'm just not feeling it today."

It's just really, really dumb. I am me, yet my surroundings are just a little surreal. They look just a little too bold or something. My fingers are busy moving across the keyboard to form words, yet these fingers aren't quite mine. Logically I know they are mine, but they just look kind of foreign. What's with that? I don't understand it at all!

As for my thoughts and my actions, it's just not quite me experiencing them. I mean, I know that it has to be me. That is a no-brainer. However, for some reason my thoughts and actions aren't quite mine. I don't feel like I am quite the one acting everything out.

Maybe it's just the "other me" coming back for a quick visit today. Damn, does what I am writing make any sense at all? I think I am just talking crazy talk here. Time to go and have a shower and become real again. Good night!


  1. Yipes, the other you? Perhaps that's my problem... there's another me. No wonder I eat so much.

  2. Perhaps you are disassociating a bit?

    There are times when I feel as though everything I do is not quite "me". Like it is more like watching someone go through all the motions while I am watching from a long way off...

    My T tell me that it is disassociation.

  3. I had this with effexor. It was almost as if my legs and arms were being controlled-like I was a puppet on a string. Actually, it wasn't simply effexor, it was effexor withdrawl. No fun at all. I love the medication though. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. disassociating "a bit"??
    shivers mate she aint called disso for nothing lol

    but seriously, that finger blog is funny as... made me pmsl

    hmm - trying to get myself to focus here... but is it approp to write in response to an "i'm nuts" blog (lmao at my own joke) - I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOW DAMMIT!


    what was your blog about again? oh that's right YOU lol.
    interesting idea the "other you"... i'll hv to think about this one more in depthly...


  5. maybe i'm crazy, well not maybe bacause i have paperwork to prove i'm crazy, but i understand your statement completely. I often feel as if i am a third party detached from my body simply observing myself. I like your blog and with your permission would like to link it on our collaborative site Crazies Unite!!!!

  6. UPDATE: I just looked at Crazies Unite and I see that you have already visted and commented on my most recent article. thanks for visiting.
