Sunday, August 28, 2005

Online Chat

I was chatting to an Internet bud tonight. A short time into our chat, our conversation took on a slightly more serious slant. We began talking about what we thought life was about. He shared his thoughts about life being about love and happiness. What a wonderful point of view! I however, found myself slipping into sharing with him what have been my thoughts about life for a while now. I saw myself typing out the words, "Life is breathing; existing; learning perhaps to read more into life so that it is worth continuing to live." His concluding remark to the end of this part of our conversation was, "Because if nothing makes you happy, what is the point of being alive?" That's a very good point, and one that I still cannot answer.

We then continued our conversation with what made us happy. My Internet bud typed out an impressive list, including such things as:
  • the beach
  • a sunny day
  • watching kids play and laugh
  • hearing that someone has done something good
  • accomplishing something
His list continued on and on.

When it was my turn to list the things that made me happy, I was stumped. I couldn't think of anything that bought me happiness. My Internet bud suggested my dogs. Well, that is true I guess. My dogs do bring me joy at times. However, I continued to struggle to add things to my list. He went on to suggest a few other things, but none of his suggestions held any appeal.

Even now, as I type this post, I find it very difficult to expand on my "happiness list". Perhaps I could add chatting with friends to the list. I guess I could also add the times when Hubby gets that cute look on his face. I don't know if any of these things bring me true happiness though. What is happiness anyway?

To continue on with this thought, what is life all about anyway? It's wonderful that people can look at the meaning of life, so to speak, and come up with words like happiness and love. It just seems that when people come up with words like that, that they are falling into the trap of reading too much into life. When all things are said and done, life is only existence.


  1. I don't know what the meaning of life is. I don't think people are meant to know. But often I try not to look at life's meaning too deeply, because as a whole, I believe that its meaning is too unfathomable.

    Life instead, should be viewed from smaller things. I think we would be happier if we looked at the little things in life which bring us joy. It's the little things that make up the whole. And by small things, I mean being able to enjoy things like sunset/sunrise on a beach, a good meal and wine with friends, a walk in the park with someone you love, cuddling up in bed with a book on a rainy day, etc.

    Just little things... that mean a lot.

  2. Happiness is many things to many people Crazed Dark one.
    You say you can think of a list but I'm sure you could.
    What about getting up on a Saturday morning as the sun's rays filter through the window in spring (which is TODAY BTW)the scented smell of lavender or other flowers on the evening breeze. The call of a butcher bird or a bell bird in a rain forest,the soft pitter patter of rain as it falls on a tin roof,a smile from a loved one or a wry grin, a twinkle in their eye.What about the call of a Kookaburra or running out into a QLD thunderstorm after a steaming hot day.
    If your remotely like me, you may also find happiness in the ridiculous, just seeing life's stupidity as a wonderful experience.Then again, you may even have a nasty streak and find other's misfortune's fulfilling your happy basket.Maybe some-one falling arse over head, slipping down the steps,or some-one trying to impress some-one else and making an arse of his/herself, this maybe high on your chuckles list(I know it can be on mine at times)Or a joke may make you happy.
    I'm thinking of one right now that has me in fits,but,alas I cannot share it for fear of giving my true identity away.
    So, Darkly Crazed person it's fair enough to say I'm certain that you would by now be smiling and probably thinking up dark deeds and then smiling some more.
    I have just 2 things left to say.
    The meaning of life is simple, it's 42.

    And, buggah, I forgot the second bit.

  3. Polar Bear ... incredibly wise words! It can be hard sometimes to even notice the "little things". I'm getting better at it though.

    Anonymous ... your true identity has got me wondering. Putting on my best Shrek voice, I'll say, "Donkey?" If it is, I have to say that I am impressed that you found me here. I know I have mentioned blogging to you (errr, I think), but when did I let slip the address? Mmmm ... you have me stumped.
