Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Huge, mega growls!
(Hehe ... not one of my most flattering photos)

More incredibly frustrating shenanigans occurred at work today. Thankfully they weren't directed at me this time. Unfortunately though, they were directed at my coworker.

Every time something ridiculous occurs I become even more annoyed and disillusioned with my workplace. Grrr, grrr, grrr and grrr! My poor line manager had to listen to me swear my head off in her office this afternoon. Bring on the summer holidays. Please!

For better or worse, I have decided to let things slide as much as I can. The nasty truth is that if I decide to take anything further, I risk any remaining possibility (however slim now) of gaining a bit of work there next year. Ahhh, self preservation! I am such a wimp!

There is a "funny" side to all this however. After my explosion in my line manager's office, I apologised for making a scene. My coworker turned to me and said, "Don't worry. You are allowed to have emotions". I had to have a silent giggle to myself. Isn't this whole depression, dissociation, loss of self thing related to me not allowing myself to experience emotions properly? What an insightful response to my apology!


  1. I can't work anymore because I'd kill people and then myself. It would be a HUGE embarrassment for my family. Thank god my wife can work for us.

  2. Lol

    And the GOOD thing about emotions isn't just that you have the right to feel them... the good thing is that having strong emotions leads to funny blogs and even funnier emoticon-induced photos! hahaha

    I mean, you can't really have emoticons without emotions, can you??
