Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Changing Pace

I'm still feeling angry, disappointed, disillusioned and frustrated. I'm now also finding that I desperately want to SH so that I could have a go at turning off all these friggin' thoughts running around in my head today. Grrr!

It's definitely time for a change of pace then. I saw this over on miz e's blog and thought it looked like fun ... you know, something to try to take my minds off things. (Haha! Minds! Is that a Freudian slip?) I just had to steal it. I hope you don't mind, miz e.

Stuff People Should Know About You
(Although I can't imagine why)

Name: Disso, although in real life it's Kym
Age: 35
Hair colour: dark brown
Eye colour: dark brown
Height: 172cm, or so it says on my driver's licence
Favourite colour: black
Favourite food: umm, so much to choose from ... probably pasta
Rap or rock: rock
Punk or pop: definitely punk ... most popular songs played on mainstream radio stations just make me want to puke
Emo or ska: *reaches for a dictionary*
Drink? occasionally
Smoke? heavily ... eek!
Drugs? only the prescription kind *looks around for some gungja*
Favourite band/singer: Pink Floyd!
Favourite song: mmm, at the moment "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park (and I'm about to break ... grr!)
Brothers? yep, two ... one older although I haven't seen/heard from him in freakin' years, and one a lot younger than I am
Sisters? nope
Date of birth: 18 October 1970
Favourite holiday: I'm not big on holidays
Music or TV? either, depending on my mood
Billie Joe or Billie Joel? Who the hell is Billie Joe? I'm going to have to go with Billie Joel here.
HIM or Bam? Umm ... errr * feels completely out of step with popular culture *
New York or Los Angeles? mmm ... never been to the USA
Winter or summer? Oh, definitely winter! Summers are just way too hot here.
Spring or fall? Autumn ... means there is another season before I start sweating like a pig again.
Single? nope ... married
In love? umm ... I don't believe in being "in love", although that doesn't mean that I don't feel love for someone ... when I can actually feel things, that is
Led Zeppelin or The Doors? either or ... both are pretty cool
AC/DC or The Rolling Stones? definitely AC/DC. After all, I am an Aussie
Green Day or Good Charlotte? Green Day is cool. I haven't heard any Good Charlotte songs
Pets? Definitely! I love my furry kids and can't live without them ... 2 dogs, 1 cat and 1 peace face
Gifts or money? hey ... either sounds great *begs*
Skates or skateboard? ice skates all the way!
Rain or snow? both are great
AIM or AOL? I use MSN the most
What city do you live in? a dirty little coal mining hell hole
My Chemical Romance - good or bad? errr
Blink 182 - good or bad? ummm
Slipknot - good or bad? *looks around for some clues*
HIM - good or bad? oh crap! I'm sooooooo out of step. Geez!
Green Day - good or bad? finally ... a band name I recognise! Good!
Favourite album? Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon
Favourite album cover? see above
Do you like Nirvana? Hell ya!
Pepsi or Coke? either
Do you believe in God? once upon a time in the distant past ... not now though
Do you go to church? hell no
Do you pray? yikes! What's the point?
Chocolate or vanilla? mmmm ... chocolate *drools*
Favourite ice cream flavour? spearmint
Dress or skirt? skirt ... dresses look like shit on me
Do you use eyeliner? not any more ... kinda glugs up the contact lenses
If so, a lot? (If not, why not?) see above
Shoes or sandals? sandals
Short socks or long? preferably none ... the socks with sandals look just doesn't work
Pink or black? oh, definitely black
Blue or green? both are cool ... as long as we are not talking pastels
Do you have a cell phone? we call 'em mobile phones Down Under and yep, I do have one
Do you use it a lot? nah ... not that much
Do you have more than 5 friends? *counts* close friends that are going be in my life for a long period? nope
Are you hungry now? just a little bit *runs off to boil jug again*
Are you tired? considering I was naughty and only took 1/3 of my Seroquel dose last night and consequently slept like shit, yes I am but I can't seem to drop off to sleep today dammit
Do you have a headache? nope ... although don't tell my husband ... he might want sex and I've just blown my only excuse
Are you drunk? nope ... although intoxication sounds like a wonderful thing at the moment
Are you smoking a cigeratte? my packet just run out bugger it
Are you straight/gay/bi? what do you call people who no longer have sex again?
Wear glasses? not any more ... I can't get a strong enough prescription in glasses to correct my increasingly shitty vision
Contacts? yeah ... they still work thank goodness
Do you have long or short hair? ummm ... kinda shoulder length
What color shoes do you have? only black and tan
What color shirt do you have on? white ... complete with stains
Do you think Colin Farrell is hot? hell yeah
What about Brad Pitt? not so much
Are you happy this is over? hey, I could go on answering mindless questions all damn day

Check out the quiz here.

1 comment:

  1. cool answers! and omg you're not kidding that u cant sleep-3am!!!!i hope you dont have to work the next day.

    next time we're chatting, i can help u with some of the answers that u were unsure of, if u want :)
