Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Nothing Much to Say

I'm "blog dead" tonight (as opposed to brain dead that is). I haven't really got a lot to talk about, although I feel that I should write an entry because I have my appointment with the pdoc tomorrow. I guess I will start from where I left off in my previous entry then.

Firstly, my Monday was very similar to my Sunday. I slept in until incredibly late (around lunch time). When I finally did awake, I woke up to figurative darkness again. I'm not going well at shaking these current blues at all.

Secondly, today was quite busy for me. I spent a lot of time around at a friend's house helping her with something that she wanted done on the Internet and drinking copious amounts of coffee. I also had my yearly check up at the optometrist. The good news is that any change in vision has been minimal. The KC monster has definitely lost his foot hold over my eyes during the past few years or so.

I think being out of the house did help my mood a little. I was able to share a laugh with the friend that I visited. Tonight, I am back to the emotionless state.


  1. I think being depressed is done by those very introspective. As hard as it is to break from it, try. Being busy keeps thoughts at bay.

  2. once i'm out of the house i find my mood most always lifts. Its just getting motivated to get out. for me,thats hardest part. it's great that you were able to go and get your mind off stuff for a bit. i hope you're feeling better today, thinking of you.
