Thursday, January 19, 2006


fur inhalation warning
Okay, it seems like I am not the brightest spark in the world. How many years have I shared my life with a Siberian Husky? Yikes! It would be almost eight years now. However it appears that I still haven't learnt the number one rule when it comes to Sibe ownership. Never ever strip your husky's coat when she is full-on blowing it while she is sitting on a black couch. I won't even mention how silly it is to comb out a Sibe's coat when one is wearing a dark blue t-shirt. Husky fur sticks like velcro. D'oh!

its snowing husky
I also seem to have learnt another obscure life lesson over the past couple of days. Eating copious amounts of cheesecake from The Cheesecake Shop seems to leave me with a nasty headache. Ouch! That's so not fair! Cheesecakes from The Cheesecake Shop are incredibly delicious. Mean, horrible Mother Nature!


  1. omg you could make a cat out of that :)

    bet husky feels better now though.

  2. Mmm... cheesecake... :D

    I know what I'm getting tomorrow!!
