Sunday, January 15, 2006


Well! There we have it! My first grey hair ever! Look how friggin' shiny it is! *sobs*

I'm staring at middle age through the barrel of a gun. I've gone straight from maiden to crone. I can no longer legitimately give stick to Hubby about all his grey hairs. Whatever am I to do? Looks like it is time to make that long overdue hairdressers appointment. Bugger!



  1. Retract this from print right now and run straight to the hairdresser. Nobody ever has to know!

    All kidding aside, I found my 1st grey hair last year and panicked, just like you!

  2. Not to fret, grey hairs are simply mother nature's way of telling you that you are getting wiser and more experienced. It's once you buy a rocking chair you have to worry. :P.

  3. Aarrgghhh.

    Luke said I have a few grey hairs. I was like, how the fk could I have any?? I die my hair every month for goodness sake!!!

    Stupid hair... and who invented the colour grey anyway?? Whoever it was, I hope they died a horrible nasty death lol.

  4. It's horrible, isn't it? I do have a few of these appearing occasionally and that friggin' scares the sh*t out of me... come on, I'm only 26 for heaven's sake... what next? A few wrinkles on my face... ewww!

  5. Ah yes, the first grey hairs. My single of white would 'cowlick' and mock me! I couldn't dare pull it out afraid my scalp would produce more...
    So I tricked it! I cut it short as I could. Certainly teaches it for sticking its old lady tongue out at me!

  6. Yeah, I've got about 4-5 grey hairs now.


  7. Don't feel bad... since I'm about 11, I occaisonally get a grey hair. My mother says it's due to being upset. I say it's genetic. Anyway, it's a sign that you're getting wiser!
