Sunday, January 08, 2006

100 Childhood Memories

Ever since I joined the blogosphere, I've seen many blogs with the "100 things about me" post. Just for something to keep myself occupied with for a while, I decided to finally have a go at writing one of these posts. "What the hell," I thought, "Everyone else is doing it."

While I was writing the post however, I quickly realised that my list was taking an altogether different tangent. It had degenerated into what was essentially a bunch of memories.

Now memories are something I have a bit of an issue with. On the surface I don't seem to have many detailed memories at all. Consequently, I decided to go with the flow, change my “100 things about me” list to a “100 childhood memories” list and essentially test myself and my memory.

Why? Well, ever since spending a few weeks in the Trauma and Dissociation Unit at Belmont Private Hospital in Brisbane back in 2004, I've been questioning how good my memory of my childhood is. Surely it can't be as bad as it appears on the surface. During my stay at the TDU, one particular psych nurse filled my head with too many doubts and questions about my perceived lack of childhood memories and what, if any, significance this may have. I consider the harbouring of these doubts and questions to have been somewhat detrimental to me.

To be honest, I'm going to have to go with the "if any" significance because I have a strong suspicion that the psych nurse in question was a bit of a nut herself. Purely for myself, I need to dispel the myths that this nurse held and the doubts that she placed in my mind. My "100 childhood memories" list therefore exists to prove that my memory of my childhood is not deficient in any way and thus sits within a normal range.

I'm not going to bore everyone by placing the huge list of memories I've created amongst my current posts. I've actually shoved the post way back in the blog's archives. If you are completely desperate to read through the list of my inane, mundane and occasionally embarrassing childhood memories, then the post can be found here amongst the June archives.

I've managed to make it to fifty separate memories so far, so I am going well with the compilation of the list. These fifty memories have taken a long time to dredge up however, so I am taking a short break from compiling the list.

~ Update ~

It's taken me virtually all day but I've finished my entire list of 100 childhood memories. Woohoo! Man, is my brain fried though! It certainly took some thinking to compile the entire 100. However, it goes to show just how much one can remember from their childhood when they take the time to sit down and think about it. Stick that in your eye you silly psych nurse. Mind you, it doesn't seem to mean that much. Mmm.

1 comment:

  1. 100 things lists are over rated. Quite often there are about 20 things on there stretched to 100, or meaningless things like:
    1. I like apple juice
    2. I drank so much of it one time I almost puked.

    Anyways, I like what you have done since my last visit. Keep in touch.

    Mr. Morris
    Ask Morris
