Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wednesday's Adventure

Yesterday was a very full day for me. I drove into the semi big smoke for my usual appointment with my pdoc. I also decided to drive the extra half an hour on to the coast for a bit of a photography expedition. (Yes, I am completely obsessed with taking photographs now!) I'm glad that I extended my trip to the coast. Central Queensland's coast line is truly magnificent, perhaps only second to Queensland's Whitsunday region.

Rosslyn Bay
The above photograph is an image of a bay and small harbour from a nearby hill. Hiking up the hill nearly killed me! It was so hot. Thankfully I took a bottle of water up with me. The hike was worth it though. The top of the hill provided some lovely views.

Black Cockatoo
I had to use a glamour filter on the above photograph to make the black cockatoo stand out from his leafy perch. I was quite surprised to see a number of black cockatoos yesterday. They are certainly not a common sight on the coast. I think they may generally live further inland. I've got to say that I love the 12x optical zoom on my camera even if I tend not to hold it steadily enough to get a clear picture when I use the full zoom.

Once again, my pdoc appointment went quite well. These days I seem to be able to talk a little more during the appointments which certainly helps I think. Mind you, I think I have a way to go yet with the whole talking/sharing thing during appointments. These small steps are somewhat heartening however.

During the appointment, we continued with the topic of memories. At one stage my pdoc asked me why I had compiled the list of childhood memories. He asked if I had compiled the list to prove to myself that I did not have some type of dissociative disorder. That question stuck out in my mind. I felt like I couldn't adequately comment on it. Yes, I identify as having a dissociative disorder in my online, blogging life. That is what this blog is all about really, to have an outlet to express what is going on in my head.

Mind you, identifying as having a dissociative disorder in real life is a different kettle of fish for some reason. Somehow it doesn't seem so real. Somehow it doesn't make sense. I guess I am still of a mindset that only people with severe abuse issues in their past end up with dissociative disorders. Where does that place me? Maybe, as seems to be suggested, emotional attachment to my memories is not one of my strong points. What does that mean though? My upbringing may not have been all cuddles, "I love you's" or "You are a worthwhile person", but I would suggest that a hell of a lot of kids would have similar upbringings. Why then did my mind collapse in on itself? I am yet to find an answer to that question.


  1. I am glad you headed to the coast to take some pictures for us. With regards to your dissociative disorder, I hope you find the answers you are looking for. It certainly seems as though your thoughts and ideas are progressively unraveling. I also sense a lot of humor in your latest blog entries.... seems you are having a bit of fun!

  2. Well, I finally worked out what drove my mind to collapse!

    Children, husband, work, the dreaded affair guy lol, pregnancy...

    The kids are fighting as I speak/type/write/whatever. *sigh*. Can I just shut the door and hide? I've had enough of everything today.

    My house is a mess (well, not entirely, but I do need to wash, iron and clean my floors lol), but my life is a bigger mess.


    Is it just me? Am I the only one who doesn't know what the fuck they're doing? GRRR.

  3. and btw... nice pics :)

    We should really take a trip up past Cairns one day. The coastline of Northern Qld is the most beautiful EVER.

    HEAPS of photo opportunities up there lol. As well as other things. :D :D :D :D

    And speaking of black cockatoos... we have HEAPS of em down here. Just a hint.
