Monday, January 16, 2006

Oh Crap!

Actually, "Oh Crap!" doesn't seem to cut it. What I really want to yell is, "F#@k!"

I hate to admit this, but the fence between our block and the neighbour's block has seemed a little rickety for a while now. To be honest though, I hadn't paid it much mind. Once in a blue moon I would ask Hubby to knock a nail or two in when one of the palings would come askew, but that's about it.

However this morning when I took the furries out for their initial "wee walk", I noticed that one fence paling had fallen completely off and the one next to it was leaning on a precarious angle. On investigation I saw this funny white ant thingee crawling along one of the railings.

Uh oh! White ant thingee? Yikes! White ants equal termites, right? OMG!

Yep, the fence is literally crawling with termites, the scourge of the home owner. I can only hope that while the little buggers are feasting on the fence they are leaving the house alone.

Termite Attack
Termites on the move!

Termite Art
Termite artwork!

The light should definitely not be showing through the palings like that. Eek!

Well, I guess it is time to call in pest control and to seriously consider forking out a stack of money for a shiny new (and unpalatable to termites) colourbond fence.

The worst thing is that Hubby doesn't seem to give a toss about the news. Err, Hubby, don't you think we might need to do something about this? Yikes!

~ Update ~

Call it fate or whatever you want to really. After initially publishing this post, I went back into blogger to fix up a couple of typos. I also added a big, long paragraph that essentially added up to a heck of a lot of "woe is me" talk. When republishing the post, my internet connection dropped out for a couple of minutes. I guess that means that the additions I made to the post are for my eyes and my pdoc's eyes only. Saved by the crappy internet connection, hey.


  1. Eek!! Termites!!

    Silly silly hub lol. Imagine the terror that would be instilled in BW streets if the two furry kids were to escape and go on a zombie-like killing rampage lol.

    Surely the silly silly hub would notice the termites then!!


  2. yikes! *shudder* i hate bugs of any kind. tell hubby to get with the program and annihilate those critters ASAP!

    btw, what is the "semi big smoke"?

    the pics of the zoo animals were awesome...til i saw the croc *shudders* LOL

  3. Termites eh, get your peachface on to them ;)

    Time to invest in a new fence? I'm suer you'll get it sorted anyhow. Good luck.

  4. Ewwww.... oh my, how I hate termites... they scare me.... what if they come crawl under my skin... ok, I know it loves wood and not skin... but what IF???? Blehh.........

  5. In Africa I ate termites. They taste good. They taste like sunflower seeds. You fry 'em up and sprinkle some red pepper grinds on them and you got some good eatin'
