Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Strangeness Inside My Head

I'm tired, or at least I know I am because my eyesight has gone all fuzzy. I'm feeling quite down and not quite with it too. What a way to end a year. I guess it might as well end like it began.

Maybe I should wrap up 2005 with a post reflecting on the year? Mmm, on second thought why bother! There is not much to tell. I sat on my butt until late September, worked for a couple of months and now I am back sitting on my butt again. What a year! I guess it wasn't as up and down as 2004. Still, I could have done without living through these past twelve months. It wouldn't have mattered.

Let's see! What else is there to write about? I know! Cemeteries!

After wandering around Emerald Cemetery the other day, taking photographs of the angels and kangaroos, GBF and I decided to take a drive out to the local cemetery yesterday afternoon. We were hoping to spot some more kangaroos, but there were none to be seen. Instead, I strolled around the small graveyard, reading the memorial plaques while GBF busied himself taking photographs of the little "forget-me-nots" that families had left beside their loved ones graves.

/ begin insanity

There's something about the little local cemetery though, something that's not apparent at the Emerald Cemetery. There is a pronounced sense of sadness lurking amongst the graves. I am not given to clairsentinence or anything, so I was surprised I could feel it so deeply. I mentioned the feeling to GBF who (thankfully) indicated that he could feel it too. I could almost swear that a little boy who had passed over had taken up permanent residence in the cemetery.

It got weirder though. I must have let my mind wander too far because the knowledge that I don't have too much longer to wander around this godforsaken world came over me in a huge way. I don't know what it is with me and this feeling. It's just something that keeps hanging around and popping into my consciousness every now and again. It's another thing that I have to live with, I suppose.

/ end insanity

Anyway, here's to 2006! Let it be, oh, another year I guess.

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