Saturday, December 10, 2005


While surfing blogs today, I came across ariadneK's photos of her house and the state it was in due to her work woes. Instead of thinking, "Oh my gawd, that house is a mess," I caught myself thinking, "Her mess pales in comparison to mine".

I then became inspired. Now that I am officially unemployed again, I have no reason to not have a bit of a clean up around the house. So, here are the "before" photos. Hopefully some day soon I will post the "after" photos. *crosses fingers*

The lounge room: complete with baskets full of ready-to-be-ironed clothes.

The kitchen: will I ever load the dishwasher with another load?

This one's for you, Joey. The Hubby: my greatest cleaning project. Can I get him to shower at least once a day, oh and maybe put on some clothes? *giggles*

Yikes! What a mess! I wonder how long it will take me to really get stuck into the cleaning. Wish me luck!


  1. I tend to not really clean, per se. It's more like moving the mess from one room to another.

  2. lol

    I think your biggest clean job would have to be the hub. How ON EARTH are you gonna clean THAT up?? hahahahahahaha

    Ignore his protests and don't delete it lol. It's hilarious!!


  3. I find myself twiddling my thumbs for something to do, completely ignoring the mess. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  4. ROFLMAO! like Princess, i ignore the mess too! glad i'm not alone too!

  5. been wondering what hub looked like.

    nIce lOuNge.
