Saturday, July 16, 2005

My Cat's a Fiend!

Oh my god!!!! My cat has done his most disgusting deed ever!! (Actually, maybe not the most disgusting deed ever ... there is a couple of instances with feral rabbits that I could write about).

Hubby and I were sitting on the couch in our loungeroom when we saw the cat walk through the kitchen. I only saw him walk through out of the corner of my eye, so I didn't realise that anything was out of order.

However, suddenly Hubby exclaims, "You won't believe this!" while motioning out to the kitchen. Instantly, I think that the cat has bought something horrible into the house and desperately try to get Hubby to go into the kitchen to save whatever little critter the cat had brought in. Much to my surprise (eerrr ... disgust really), Hubby disappears into the kitchen only to reappear with a very dead galah in his hands. Eek!!

Now, galahs aren't small birds. It was almost as big as the cat himself. Yikes! Where on earth did he find that?? Yuck! Poor galah.


  1. oh poor bird but this picture is totally fitting for the situation. the look on you cat's face is priceless.
    bad kitty ;](but still funny)

  2. Oh I know! Majorly bad kitty I would say. :) In his defence though, I'm pretty sure that the galah was dead before my cat found him. The poor thing looked like it had been a victim to a car or something. Still, I am soooo glad Hubby was home to deal with the situation. Ick!

  3. My cat is not really a hunter though sometimes he really surprises me. Once he brought some meat on a stick from the neighbors barbeque party, another time he dumped a living mouse in my hands, which he had carefully stored in his mouth.

  4. thanks for dropping my blog. i enjoyed reading yours. sounds like you have a kick ass cat.

  5. a galah? Eeeks is right....

  6. He must have looked proud.
