Monday, July 18, 2005

Elizabethan Collar Dog ... RAOFLMAO

Poor, poor Shakara! I'm such a mean furry kid mummy. I've been laughing so hard since Hubby put Shakara's new Elizabethan collar on her, my stomach is starting to hurt. Doesn't she strike the cutest pose even with her embarrassing collar on though?

Anyhow, I bit the bullet today and took Shakara over to our nearest, half-decent town to visit the vet. Despite using my first-aid home remedies, her paws hadn't seemed to have gotten any better. To cut a long story short, we are back home now with a heap of antibiotics and a brand new collar to stop her licking and nibbling at her paws.

Shakara was such a good girl at the vet surgery. Even though her paws have been incredibly tender, she let the vet poke around at her feet without any dramas. Shakara can be quite reserved with people she doesn't know, so I was very proud of her. Mind you, once the vet gave her a great chunk of dried liver, I think she made a friend for life.

The drive over to the nearest town was an event in itself. I'm still not in the brightest of moods. I guess a two-hour round trip in a car is not the best idea when one is feeling quite crappy. The mind wanders far too much. I found it difficult to keep myself in the here and now, especially on the drive over. Anxiety was certainly brimming at the surface. I don't know why the thought of having to be out of the house and conversing with a stranger scares me so much. After all, everything works at fine in the end, doesn't it. Weird and frustrating!

Sometimes you see the most amazing things when driving along the highway though. I passed a guy rollerblading with his little cart down the shoulder of the highway. Now that is something you don't see everyday! How scary would it be rollerblading on a highway, particularly since the road in question is just a two lane country highway that caters for all sorts of vehicles ... cars, caravans and the most scary of all, whopping big semi trailers and road trains. Man, that guy must be brave. I'd be too worried about getting flattened by a truck. Eek!


  1. Our dog injured his foot and he had to wear that thing for a month. He destroyed 3 of them in the process!

  2. lol
    yeah yeah
    u WISH u cld be that roller blader!!
    that's given me a fantastic idea
    i might roller blade to work 2mrw instead of digging that hole in my back yard and waiting for rain...

  3. awww... what a cutie.....
