Saturday, June 18, 2005

Mouse Hunt

You wouldn't believe what movie is showing on TV tonight! Mouse Hunt. Yep, that's right! I can't believe it!

For those that don't know, Mouse Hunt is a movie made in the late 1990's. Basically the story-line is about a couple of inept brothers who inherit an old mansion. They soon discover that there is an incredibly intelligent and resourceful mouse inhabiting the mansion. From there, the war begins as they try to dispose of the mouse. The little mouse thwarts all their attempts however. Now what is up with that??

I'm starting to think that the mice of the world are banding together in an attempt to overthrow humans and gain world domination. Mmmm ... if I didn't know better, I would be worried that I am becoming just a tad paranoid here!

Anyway, Nikita (my Siberian Husky) is sitting beside me on the couch. Her stare is fixated on the corner where my display cabinet meets the wall. OMG, I just saw a little furry head pop out from behind the cabinet. Aaaahhhhh!

That's it! I am setting all my mouse traps tonight!

1 comment:

  1. damn coincidences! LOL
    that's funny! pmsl
