Friday, October 07, 2005

Lucky Sevens

Time for a change of pace tonight. I've been tagged by James for the following meme, so here goes ...

Seven things I plan to do before I die:
(Damn, this is a hard one for me to answer considering where my mind has been over the last 18 months)
  1. Go on a real dog sled ride
  2. Visit Alaska and Canada (what better places are there to go to dog sledding)
  3. See the Bathurst 1000 touring car race live
  4. Do a beginners photography course
  5. Live somewhere that is not the cesspit of society
  6. Learn to be comfortable with my sexuality again (I threw that one in for Hubby)
  7. Become whole / find a reason to live
Seven things I can do:
  1. Touch type
  2. Snore really loudly (according to Hubby)
  3. Dissociate (apparently)
  4. Whinge
  5. Nag
  6. Really listen (hopefully anyway)
  7. Giggle a lot
Seven things I cannot do:
  1. Ballroom dance (much to Hubby's disgust)
  2. Sing really well
  3. Debate
  4. Keep a pot plant alive
  5. Keep a nice, clean house
  6. Reverse park a car
  7. Pee standing up
Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex:
  1. Someone who is not sexist nor racist
  2. Someone who is spiritual but not religious
  3. Someone who leans to the left politically
  4. Well-developed upper arms
  5. Well-developed chest
  6. Someone who will go for walks with me
  7. Someone who is a tad gritty on the surface but is a softy underneath
Seven things I say most often:
  1. Shit, it's hot! (now that it is summer in my neck of the woods)
  2. Bugger
  3. Foul
  4. Fuck (I guess I just swear a lot)
  5. Ummm
  6. Grrr
  7. Drop! (when one of my furry kids is annoying me)
Seven celebrity crushes:
  1. Patrick Stewart (from Star Trek Next Generation and the Xmen movies)
  2. Sean Connery (I like old, balding men)
  3. Hugh Jackman (gawd, this man can act!)
  4. David Boreanaz (from Buffy and Angel)
  5. Christopher Meloni (from Law and Order SVU)
  6. Glenn Seton (Australian V8 Supercar driver)
  7. Adrian Paul (from the Highlander TV series and latter movies)
Seven people who need to do this:
  1. Joey
  2. Mothy
  3. Blogaholic
  4. Gabbi
  5. Anyone else
  6. who wants
  7. to take up the challenge


  1. can i have
    David Boreanaz as my celeb crush too?

    ha, will do this meme soon, ta!

  2. I invited myself to be tagged, although I confess my blog isn't nearly as interesting as yours. Actually it stinks!

    Thanks for the laugh tonight!


  3. I'll try that. Your seven things were very amusing.

  4. Get to it Joey! *cracks whip* Hope you have a decent day soon!

    Mothy, of course you can have David Boreanaz as your celeb crush too. He can be your man crush. Mmmm, I can almost hear Joey cracking a gay joke right about now.

    Denise, thanks for taking up the challenge. :) I'm looking forward to popping over to your blog to take a look. Thanks for leaving a link.

    Radin, good on ya for having a go too. :)

  5. ok I'll do it soon-very soon. thanx for taggin me
