Friday, July 28, 2006

Ouch! My Feet Hurt!

What on earth was I thinking? My feet hurt, my leg hurts (grrr ... I think the burns are infected), I'm dehydrated and I'm exhausted!

Today was my first day out delivering the 2006 census forms. After organising 100 forms last night thinking that I would easily be able to deliver that amount, I only delivered 24 today! The worst of it is that delivering those 24 took 2 hours! Ugh! This census stuff is going to be hard work. I've got just over a week to deliver what must be at least 500 forms. Eek!

What possessed me to say yes when I was offered a collector's position, I'll never know. It must have been a momentary lapse of reason, that or I had no idea it was going to take so long. I can only put my head down and bum up and work my guts out for the next week or so to get everything done on time. Help!

1 comment:

  1. yikes. those jobs are always worse than they sound.
