Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Freakin' Funny Ad

I stumbled across the above video (click to be taken to the link) while aimlessly surfing the internet today. Apparently the cat herding ad was played during the US Super Bowl a few years ago. I hadn't seen it before though. Mind you, that probably has something to do with not ever seeing the US Super Bowl because I'm an Aussie and all. Anyway, the ad is hilarious! Watch for the cowboy that is allergic to cats. I'd view the ad over and over again just for that. Too funny!


  1. Came across your blog on BlogMad.. this is one of my favorite commercials of all time! I love the part where you see the cowboy in the background with one of those lint/hair rollers removing the cat hair. Too funny.

  2. LOL-that is hilarious!!!!!! :)

  3. Yeah, I remember seeing this during the Super Bowl and howled in laughter. Thanks for showing it here so I could have a good chuckle again. :)
