Thursday, August 11, 2005

You Know You Are a Slob When & Dreams

This is a photo of my kitchen this morning after I had almost filled the dishwasher with dirty dishes. How lazy am I! I haven't been bothered to get off my butt to clean the kitchen in a few days. There were even a couple of drowned cockroaches in the dirty frying pan. OMG! Foul! Talk about your lack of motivation! Bad me! Bad me!

Anyway, with my kitchen rant over and done with, I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamt that I had entered a sailing tournament which involved sailing between Australia and South America. My yacht was one of the smallest entered and I was terribly unprepared. I had no charts, no compass, no food, not even a spray jacket!

For some bizarre reason, I wasn't the only one to be unprepared for the journey. There was a number of entrants that didn't have the equipment necessary. The tournament boss allowed us 25 minutes before the start of the race to rush around and get ourselves the equipment we needed to sail.

The setting of the dream was just insane! I was very close to the character of Lisa Simpson (what's with that!). My surroundings appeared to be the coastal city in which I grew up. My eldest brother, whom I haven't had any contact with in years, was the taxi driver that offered to drive me to wherever I needed to go to collect the equipment required.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, by the end of the 25 minutes there were still a few of us who hadn't collected what we needed to sail. Despite thinking of just following another yacht across the ocean, I decided not to compete. However, at the very end, I hooked up with another competitor and we decided to sail together in the same yacht.

Ha! Aren't dreams just weird!


  1. Pretty interesting dream, I'd say! Lisa Simpson? ;)

  2. I had a weird dream last night too. it was an offshoot to the very common dream which I have also had in which you dream that for some reason, you find out that you didn't really graduate from college, you were actually a few credits short or something. Here I, a U.S. air force retiree, for some reason screwed up somehow and found myself in army basic training. The army is surely a nightmare to any air force veteran. How did you get a picture of my kitchen anyway, and I want my cockroaches back. actually try spreading boric acid in your house and in your mop water and the cock roaches will all leave or die.

  3. I always dream that I'm still married (what a nightmare) and I'm trying to call my husband and I keep misdialing. Hmm...think it's cuz he's a slimy piece of dog dung.

    :) Princess

  4. Hey, glad you found me. You got some nice posts.
    So, the dream...
    how prepared do you feel for the greatest advenyure of all? AKA - life? Your brother helps you out a lot, or you wish he would. You can't be arsed to go it alone. Got a good man in your life?

    So that's my dream analysis (hahaha) over with, moving on... I love people who make me feel normal. Well done on the kitchen state. It's a service to humanity to make other people happy.

  5. dreams are just down right freaky sometimes. one day i'll post a pic of my room and you'll be sayin,hmmm my kitchen is not so bad after that. anyway here's to um nice, no interpretation needed dreams.
