Tonight's entry is going to be short and sweet. I am still in the middle of completing the job application I have spoken about in previous posts. I have been a bit more focused with the application this afternoon and have nearly completed four of the seven selection criteria.
My stress levels regarding the writing of the job application are far more manageable at the moment. I should have known not to panic so much (silly me). I've always been one to be far more productive as the deadline for a task draws nearer. It's going to be a long night of writing and coffee drinking tonight though. Wish me luck!
Since starting this job application, I have been missing chatting to my Internet buds and properly reading other people's blogs. I can't wait until I have finally finished the application so that I can chat and peruse again.
Update (8:39pm): I just spoke on the phone with my old boss from the school. How ironic is this? The school has provided everyone who is applying for the job with the wrong application package. Apparently the correct application package has fewer selection criteria to address. What a bugger! I still have to answer all the criteria though, because the other applicants wouldn't be aware of the mix-up. Pooh, bum, pooh! At this late stage it is pretty funny though.
Update (10:15pm): I'm still writing my answers to the position's selection criteria. Am I slow at this sort of stuff or what! Unfortunately I have lost a bit of my focus, hence me returning here to write another update. I've just been a bit naughty and completely copied and pasted a whole answer to a selection criterion I wrote for a position I applied for last year, to my current application. How lazy is that! Eeh, the two selection criteria in question are similar enough I reckon. hehehe
Well, you are of course going to nail this job thing, so get crackin and lets push through the last of that application crap. Cut and paste anything you can. This was so meant to be, so just do it and you will have the job. No doubt in my mind.