I'm becoming far too familiar with the interiors of hospitals!
I was out visiting a friend this afternoon when I received a phone call from Hubby. He stated that he wanted me to come home straight away and drive him to the local hospital. I couldn't really get him to tell me what was wrong. Consequently, I left my friend's place and rushed home.
Hubby was waiting on the driveway for me to arrive. He really looked like he was in quite a bit of discomfort, the poor guy. I managed to wrangle out of him an explanation of what was wrong during our short drive to the hospital. He felt pain in his stomach and chest area.
Once we arrived at the hospital, the nurse showed us into an examination room. (Thank goodness for small town hospitals and no waiting for hours in an emergency department). Poor Hubby was poked and prodded by the nurse. He was even given an ECG just in case the pain had something to do with his heart.
After the examination, the nurse indicated that Hubby was probably experiencing some sort of gastro problem due to what he had eaten recently. Another possible reason was that his gall bladder was protesting the amount of fatty food he had consumed over the past couple of days. Poor bugger! I have had similar experiences in the past (with the gastro stuff anyhow) and I know that it hurts like hell. He was given some Mylanta to settle his tummy, however that didn't give him any relief. He was then given an injection to help with the pain and nausea.
Now Hubby is sitting up at the hospital waiting for the pain to subside. The rotten bugger told me to go home as there was no reason for both of us to wait. Mmmm. I guess you just worry when a loved one is in hospital no matter how serious the problem is. Mind you, I am expecting a telephone call any second to collect him from the hospital because he is feeling better.
I must admit that it was a little strange being in that hospital examination room again. It was the same room I was in when they shoved charcoal up my nose around this time last year. To top that off, there was a wall chart in the room which showed the treatment procedures for paracetamol overdoses (although that is not what I overdosed on). It all felt just a little surreal.
omg thats horrible. hope everything goes ok. give my best to hubby for me ok, and you take it easy too-i kno easier said then done.