Monday, August 15, 2005

Motivation: The New Swear Word

Motivation: the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal. (Meaning taken from

I have absolutely no motivation to do anything at all constructive today. Looking at the above meaning of the word motivation, maybe my lack thereof is because I have no goal which I wish to obtain.

I've been feeling quite melancholy since I first woke up today. I can really feel a funk coming on. As such, all that I have done is either sit in front of the television watching shows like The Nanny or Frasier, or sit in front of the computer surfing through a few blogs.

In order to try to stop the funk from taking over my entire mood, I thought I would do a bit of housework. I grabbed the vacuum cleaner out of the hallway cupboard and actually managed to vacuum the hallway. That's as far as I got though. The vacuum cleaner is now sitting idle on the kitchen floor.

Okay, so the vacuuming didn't snap me out of my melancholy. I thought I would then put a load of dirty clothes in the washing machine. Done. Yay, I now have clean undies to wear tomorrow, that is if I can be bothered to hang the clothing out on the line when the cycle is done.

I just can't be bothered to do anything else though. I'm sitting here typing out my frustrations, yet all I want to do is go to bed and sleep the rest of the day away. I know I should probably keep moving; to try to shake this funk once and for all.

What can I do though? I guess I could turn up at a friend's door for a cuppa, but I am just not feeling all that sociable right now. I could continue on with some more housework. Lawd knows I need to. It will save me some time later tonight when I prepare Hubby's crib for his day shift tomorrow. However, the thought of more housework just makes me want to cringe.

Blah! Motivation is definitely the new swear word. I can't raise any motivation at all.

Oh damn. The washing machine has finished it's cycle. Time to get off the couch.


  1. There has been a motivation behind all that you did so far. Trying to stop the funk from… and if they are half way done, no problem.

  2. Sometimes the motivation to do anything simply isn't there. It doesn't really matter. For me, I try to accept the fact that there are times when I simply don't want to do anything besides plunking myself down on the couch and watching lots of TV. It's hard to do anything else.

    Then there are times when I feel more able to cope with housework, etc.

    Take each moment at a time. For me, i think the hardest part is when I lack motivation to do anything (when I am in a funk), I feel as though I will ALWAYS be in a funk, and I think I will NEVER get anything done. but that's often not true.

    Anyway - take care.

  3. i'm sorry disso_k.i wish there were someting i could do, but if you can think of anything,dont hesitate to ask okay? but hey remember, you did do a little bit, and that counts too.

  4. Nice to hear honest blogging. You had the motivation to post your thoughts and for that I thank you.
