Saturday, December 03, 2005

What Was I Thinking?

I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe it's just because I am fickle. Maybe I have way too much spare time on my hands. Maybe I was bored today and felt like a bit of a challenge.

Whatever the reason, I've changed my blog template yet again. I know it's only been two weeks since the last change. I loved the old template too. The pagan-inspired graphic was gorgeous. However I got to thinking this morning that it be fun to try tweaking one of the standard blogger templates. I would love to be able to construct my very own template, but let's face it, I wouldn't have the slightest clue as to how to begin.

After many hours spent searching the internet for a nice image for the banner and playing around with colours and the like, this is what I came up with. I don't think it is too bad for someone that didn't have a clue about what they were doing. Best of all, it seems to display quite fine in the versions of Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer that I have installed on my laptop.

The funny thing is though, just after I loaded the new template and republished my blog, I popped over to Blog Explosion to update my thumbnail. Lo and behold, I noticed a new comment that someone had left. It was extolling the virtues of the old template. Woops! Looks like I buggered that one up.

Not to worry. At least this new template has more of "me" in it. It certainly kept me busy for quite a number of hours.


  1. Love the new look! I want to do it but I'm afraid of losing all of my extra stuff on the sidebar. Maybe you could give me some tips? I spent a few hours last night updating my 90+ favorite blogs. God I have too much time on my hands.

  2. Change is good! If this blog has more of you in it, I welcome the change. I hope you are doing well.

  3. Thanks Denise, and yep, I'm doing pretty good this weekend. Hope you are having a good one too.

    bipolarprincess ... hey, we may have too much time on our hands, but it is just way too much fun to update blogs and stuff. :) As for tips, I made sure that I made a back up of my previous template ... just in case. I was pretty lazy when it came to the stuff in my sidebar that I wanted to keep too. I just copied and pasted it over to my new template from my old template. Thanks for dropping by of late. Hope you are doing well too.

  4. i like playing aroung with my blog too, until i get so pissed off with html and want to throw the computer out the window-lol

    i really like the new template a lot.

    this is your last week of work right? hope all goes well and we'll be back to chatting in no time :)

  5. It's really quite nice and it also has a spirit to it. I liked the last but my sense is that this one is more you. Keep it up. You are lucky to have the time.
