Friday, December 16, 2005

The Things You Do

Ahhh, the things you do when completely bored. I was feeling seriously bored yesterday afternoon before my Internet dropped out on me. (I'm definitely going to have to blog about that. I'm sooooo addicted to the Internet. My reaction to having no Internet was hilariously tragic!)

Anyway, to break the monotony of yesterday afternoon, I ended up surfing a couple of Aussie joke websites. I found the following pictures on the Oz Jokes website. I loved them so much I had to post them here.

I finally found my life purpose! Maybe I should use this piccie as my blog banner.

Finally! I have the proof that leading a highly mediocre life is okay ... in the short term.

My favourite! Maybe I can use these ideas next time I need to consider using some anger management techniques.

Final note: drugs and alcohol don't mix.


  1. My favorite is the mistakes one. I should frame that baby.

  2. i love the sign! can i borrow it pease, pease, pretty pease *smile*

  3. Of course you can borrow it Miz E. :)

    James, my favourite is the mistakes one too. Once you get it framed, can I have a copy too?
