Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Wednesday's Head Shrink

As appointments with my pdoc go, this afternoon's one was quite tame. The main topic of conversation was what had been recently occurring at my workplace. No surprises there I guess, considering how much I have written about it during the past week.

Towards the end of the appointment, my pdoc said something that perhaps I've needed to hear since all of these troubles with work began. He indicated that what has been happening sounded like workplace bullying which had developed from the initial incident.

In a way, I feel vindicated. Someone outside of the issue has read it in the same way as I have. It is okay that I feel anger about what has transpired. I'm not overreacting. I feel a tad relieved about this. It has been such a huge issue over this past week.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - your pdoc is getting much wiser in his old age!

