Poor Hubby woke up this morning with what appears to be a touch of the flu. He's been fighting it off for a couple of days, but it seems to have taken hold of him now. Unfortunately he had to work today too. We woke up to a member of his car crew banging on our front door. Thank goodness that this bloke did bang on our front door. Both Hubby and I had snored right through no less than 3 alarm clocks going off. We are good at that .... eek!
After racing around preparing Hubby's crib and trying to wake him up properly so he could have a shower before work, I went straight back to bed. I must have fell straight back to sleep because I can't even remember Hubby leaving for work. It wasn't until around 4:30 this afternoon that I opened my eyes again. There's nothing like sleeping the day away!
Since waking, I've been stumbling around in a fog trying to come back to life. Mind you, I'm not going to try that hard. I've got great plans to have myself an early night tonight and sleep for hours and hours non-stop. I am such a sloth!
Yeah, I slept the morning away today. I woke up at 9a.m. but then crawled up on the couch and fell back asleep until noon. I took an extra ativan last night and must be feeling the effects of that. I'm glad that you caught up on your sleep.