Saturday, July 16, 2005

Catch Me I'm Falling

I'm having trouble shaking this lowered mood. Today I've had this emotional ache thing happening in my chest. It's not a real physical ache but it is there nevertheless. I've also indulged in a little bit of lighter play. It's nothing serious. My lighter play never is. I'm getting tired of this "blueness" already though. I've only revisited it for such a short time but it is already becoming very old.


  1. If your talking about what i think your talking about, it's always serious. But,i completley understand why it needs to be done. just out of curiousity, what does your husband say/feel/do when you're feeling this way?

  2. Umm ... yeah, my "lighter play" is a form of SH, so you are right there unfortunately. I must admit that I don't tell Hubby when I need to do it. Stupid, I know. He tends to notice it very quickly though. I don't know if he watches for it or not. He doesn't condemn me for it, or anything like that. I don't think he understands why though. His expression tells me he is disappointed if he does notice any new marks.

  3. most people don't understand it.i've become so good at hiding it, but always wish i didn't have to. and when he sees it, do you two talk about it or no? just wondering-sorry for all the questions.

  4. No need to apologise. I don't mind talking about it. Having said that, Hubby and I don't talk about it really. He would rather me seek him out prior to the fact, but when I need to do it, I need to do it if you know what I mean. If you'd like, feel free to email or message me at

  5. i think i'm over my tatt and piercing obsession already.
    maybe i shld try that lighter idea disso... surely it has the same effect after all...
    fk i'm feeling so out of sorts tonight, still haven't done any damn housework yet either.
    i think i'm just gonna stay awake 2nite anyway. no stilnox for me 2nite cos i'm sick of fcking losing my mind everytime i take the damn stuff.
    sleep IS good tho...
