I'm thinking of adding a few more links over on the side bar to blogs that I've started to regularly read. After just a month in the blogging world, I'm really starting to enjoy visiting other people's blogs. My bookmarks are already getting messy though, so I thought I would just add the links to my fav blog list for ease of browsing. If you find a link to your blog has magically appeared over there and you would rather it not be listed, feel free to drop me an email and I'll delete the link with no worries. And thanks all you wonderful people out in blog land. I am now a totally addicted blog browser.
Update on the Mood Situation
I'm still feeling pretty blah today unfortunately. Things aren't too bad. I'm not really depressed or anything. I guess I am just missing the good mood that I enjoyed for a while there. I'm trying to look at this lowering of mood realistically. Just because I'm not feeling so hot at the moment, doesn't mean that it is a start of a downward spiral or anything, right? Time to just take things as they come I guess.
blogging is one addiction i can actually be proud of. i love it, and what it has done for me. it's amazing how people from all over the world can connect in one place and feel so close to one another.