Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Quote of the Day

I found this excellent quote over at Susan's blog.

"Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory."
Albert Schweitzer

Bugger! Maybe I shouldn't have tried so hard to come up with my 100 childhood memories list. Woops! *smiles*

Oh, and while I'm in the middle of stealing ideas from other blogs, I just found this picture over at James' place.

I love it! I definitely need to print it out, frame it and then hang it up in the kitchen.


  1. I have to agree about forgetting. Notice how antidepressants and such rob your memory? I think thats part of the fix (what you don't know won't hurt you).
    Love the retro tid-bit!

  2. I so live by that motto!

  3. pmsl, not once but twice lol!

    Love both of these so much that I might steal them next!


  4. hmmm, i think i'm gonna put that up on my door. just to annoy my mum.

    i love 50's kitch humour
