Sunday, January 22, 2006

Lazy Days

What a lazy, lazy day today turned out to be. I woke up reasonably late this morning and dozed on and off during the afternoon. After all my activity around the house yesterday (washing the dog, stripping the fur out of the dog's coat and then vacuuming up the dog from the fur laden carpet), I didn't feel like doing much at all today.

I did do a small amount of reading regarding photography today. I flipped through a photography magazine I purchased earlier on in the week and started reading through "Demystifying Digital Photography", a book which came with a photo and graphics editing program I bought some time ago. I'm becoming quite interested in this photography hobby and would dearly love to learn more about it. I guess I am off to a start.

One thing I have noted over the past week or so is that I am becoming interested in things again. I haven't felt this way in a very long time. For so long now, nothing has interested me. Every little thing I did seemed like a laborious chore. Something has changed though. I could almost say that I am excited by the prospect of enrolling in a little TAFE certificate in website design. I am just waiting on TAFE to ring me back saying that the course is open for enrolment. I am already thinking past the TAFE certificate too. I want to learn about photography. Although living where I am there are no formal certificates or the like that I am able to enrol in, I can always buy books on the subject and see what I can learn by myself. It's not like I have any goals in regards to what I may learn through these endeavours, but wanting to do anything is a big step for me. Could it be that I am finally getting somewhere in regards to my health?

I do have to whinge a little tonight though. Hubby drove me crazy today. He took the weekend off work because the online game (Guild Wars) with which he is completely obsessed released an upgrade on Friday night. I understand that he loves playing this game. It offers him something to sink his teeth into during his leisure time as well as providing him with a social outlet as players interact with each other whilst they are playing the game. In retrospect though, taking time off work especially for this upgrade seems a little, umm, full on.

I think my main concern regarding the above has to do with his attitude of late. He has become somewhat demanding when it comes to me fulfilling my "wifely duties". I realise that I am terribly slack when it comes to these "wifely duties" things, but I don't appreciate feeling that just because I am a woman I should be engaged in the cooking, cleaning and whatever else a traditional 1950's wife did. His attitude does not just stem from me being out of work at the moment. Even when I was working, he would do nothing around the house. I don't appreciate feeling used and undervalued.

What has brought up these feelings again? Because I hadn't cooked him anything for lunch, Hubby begrudgingly decided to pop out to the local fast food store to pick up something to eat. He asked me if I wanted anything. I told him that I wanted some milk. Because he only planned to go through the fast food store's drive-through, he made a big song and dance about not wanting to get milk when he was out. I was like, "WTF?" What is so hard about dropping by the servo to pick up milk when you are already out anyway? I ended up getting really annoyed and yelling at him. He came home with the milk. Why on earth does it take yelling at the man for him to do anything? There has got to be a better way.


  1. Great for you! I'm currently going through "nothing interests me" mode and I know how badly it sucks. I knew photography sparked you up - I could tell in your posts.

    Hubby is a tad sensitive. Sometimes we argue about trivial things, when it would have been best just to do something. People make life harder than it needs to be, I think. (I speak from experience!)

  2. Condolences on a hubby addicted to an online computer game. I've personally been a an ocg addict and i know we can get very strange if someone interrupts or gets in the way of us getting our fix. My advice would be patience, love, understanding and letting him know in no uncertain terms that he does sleep and your pretty handy with the format hard drive command.

  3. Glad to hear your feeling motivated. I really do know how hard it can be and why taking interest is like breathing again. Learning and creating are sooo good for the soul! Your anger (justified) towards your husband is a good sign! It means your respecting yourself and most importantly not turning the anger inward, as depression does.

  4. hehehehe, glad to see you pursuing your interest in photography, if you need any help with finding more art websites related to the subject, just give me a buzz. as for your husbands overuse of the craptacular game guildwars, might i suggest that you purchase another good compy, buy 2 copies of halflife 2 or some other similairly violent and fun game, load em up on both compys, and then kick his ass in good ol first person shooter style action, it'll be a good way for you two to have the satisfaction of killing each other repeatedly in a multitude of ways without any of the dangers or consequences of actualy doing so. not to mention that you'll be having fun together.

    as for having to yell at him to get him to do stuff, perhaps you should treat him like a puppy, and use positive reinforcment to get him to do stuff instead, "if you get the milk i'll give you a hug, fetch boy fetch, goood boy, *gives hug*" of course, that might disgust your snes of pride, but meh, it's just a suggestion :P

    have fun with your photography
