Thursday, October 13, 2005

Nighttime Darkness

I just want to write a quick note before I shut off the computer and have myself an early night. I'm not feeling too crash hot tonight.

I guess it has been a long day. It's been bloody hot and humid. The kids at school must have been feeling it because it was a struggle to get them to do any work today. All of my classes today were taught by supply teachers because the regular teachers were either off on sick leave or attending a professional development workshop. That never helps with the behaviour management.

I've been SH'ing this evening. From this afternoon I have been struggling with my usual thoughts. I know how I want to do it. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I do not have access to my chosen method.

I suppose I am just tired and flat tonight. Tomorrow is another day.


  1. disso_k
    Sorry you had to resort to Sh'ing again. Tomorrow IS another day... and I hope it will be a better day.......

    polar b.

  2. aw hon i'm sorry you're not feeling up to are some hugs from me 2 u


    hopefully tomorrow will be a better day :)

  3. Thanks for the support, Polar and Genelle! I guess it was just one of those nights. I've been keeping pretty busy over the past few days, so I haven't had a lot of time to sit and think. That's probably a good thing.

    Hope you guys have a good week.

  4. I hate night time and not just cos i'm scared of the dark lol. Nights are the worst... oh and so are Wednesdays. I hate Wednesdays too.

    Maybe life would be worth living if we there weren't nights or Wednesdays?? You think??

    As for those child protection workshops - *shudders* - i struggle with those too, grrr...

    I hope the pdoc reads this blog and actually pays attention here!!
