Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sleep, Sleep and More Sleep

I've really got to get my act together when it comes to taking my night time meds. I've been taking them far too late which has resulted in me sleeping the majority of the day away. I must admit that I don't really mind not having to deal with the world during the day, but it does impact on me being the "good wifey" and getting stuff done. *Choke*

I just haven't been that organised. When Hubby is working day shift, I generally wait until after I have finished sorting out his crib and ironing his uniform for the next day to take my meds. It means that I am not taking them until around midnight. Once I finally drift off to sleep, I am snoring my way through until 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon. I've got to get myself organised before I start work in a couple of weeks.

Do I really want to get myself organised? Have I become so used to just existing rather than living life? Just existing is what has gotten me through. Expecting too much out of this existence is what got me into trouble in the first place.


  1. Yeah, I have been taking my meds late too. Last night I took them WAY late and now I feel like dog do-do. I am all sleepy and out of it.

    Good luck with going back to living life. I am far from being able to do that myself. Bleh.

  2. James, thanks for the good luck wishes regarding going back to living life. I got to admit that I am scared shitless of everything starting all over again. I've got to do it sometime though I guess.

    I hope you get some decent, peaceful sleep soon.

  3. Bleh, I'm always forgetting to take them or taking them late. Usually when I start to think crappy thoughts it dawns on me I need to get my fix, so to speak!
