Thursday, September 01, 2005

More Animal Antics

And the cat came back,
It wouldn't stay away.
It was pissing us off,
The very next day.

Oh my god, the dogs are going crazy! There has been a strange cat hanging around our front yard, meowing its fool head off, since this afternoon. It just won't go away! Hubby and I have hosed it, chased it up the road, even tried to entice it over to us for a pat to see if it is sick or something. We've even locked our kitty inside for the night so it doesn't have a "friend" to talk to. The damn thing just keeps coming back and meowing, and meowing, and meowing. It's even peered at us through a window. Ugh! What is wrong with the thing? Are there any cat behaviourists out there in blog land?


  1. a neighbor's cat did that to me. seems he was lost and mistook my apt. for his home, but when i came out the door was confused as to why the heck i was in HIS house. eventually he figured it out.

    could your cat be in heat?

  2. Hi sansanity! How weird that you have had a similar cat experience! It's a relief to hear that your visitor eventually worked it out.

    My old guy is an "it", so he is not in heat. I sat outside a little this morning and watched my visitor. He appears to be an entire male. Maybe he is trying to gain new territory?
