I've so little to write about tonight, but here goes anyway.
First of all, it's raining! Yippee! Everything is going to be so green soon. How exciting!
Okay, okay. What's so exciting about it raining, I hear you ask. I live in a reasonably dry part of the world, so I am allowed to get overly excited when it rains. It just doesn't rain all that often here. I'm sure it's going to make the farmers happy too, so a little celebration is in order.
Oh, and Joey, this is for you! My mouse count is now up to a HUGE 4! Another reason for celebrating! I got one last night and two the night before. I am the mouse trapping queen! The little buggers are just so cute though. I'm almost tempted to keep them as pets. Mmm ... I guess that would be defeating the purpose though. Hehe.
After staying awake all last night, I finally got to sleep about 6:00am this morning. Man, I slept like a log. I didn't rise until 1:00pm when the alarm clock sounded. I promised a friend of mine that I would help her son with his resume this afternoon, so that kept me busy for a couple of hours. Apart from that, and a quick visit to the shops to pick up a couple of supplies, I have been sitting in front of my laptop. Now that is a surprise, isn't it. Can anyone say 'addicted'? Mmmm.
Anyway, that was my day. It was just an average, low key day which I seem to be handling reasonably well these days. My only problem was my usual hint of "omg, people ... urgh!" when I was at the shopping centre, but I was only there for a few minutes, so the discomfort was only minimal. Other than that, I guess I am feeling okay. Phew!
Rain is AWESOME I LOVE IT!!! It is so cleansing and sensual. I hate when I can't sleep. I pretty much sleep soundly now that I'm taking Seroquel. Out like a goddamn light.