Friday, June 17, 2005

OMG ... The Stench!!

Humans: 1
Mice: 1,000,000

OMG ... it's official. The mice are winning the war in a big way!

I noticed a really funky odour coming from my kitchen last night. I spent half of my waking hours last night wandering around the kitchen sniffing. Oh my gawd, it was bad! Try as hard as I could, I just couldn't pinpoint the origin of the offending smell. Eventually my meds kicked in and I had to go to bed defeated.

Unfortunately this morning when I awoke, the stench had gotten worse. It was wafting from the kitchen, down the hallway, into the lounge room ... just everywhere! Yuck!

Once again I circled the kitchen sniffing in vain. That is until I lent down behind the refrigerator and took one great whiff. Urgh! I nearly chundered. I had finally found the stench's source.

I desperately tried to slide the fridge away from the wall. Succeeding, I grabbed a torch to take a better look behind the refrigerator. At the back of the fridge there is a receptacle that was full of water (probably as a result of our recent "no power" situation). Problem is, it wasn't full of clean water. Rather the mice had obviously been in the receptacle when it was dry and pooped everywhere. Consequently, the water was this murky sludge of decaying mouse poop!

OMG, I am in the middle of cleaning it now. It's absolutely disgusting! Save me!

I am definitely going to set up the mouse trap behind the fridge tonight. I may have been defeated in this battle, but I will win the war!


  1. EEK
    i hate mouse shit!
    which reminds me... i have to clean my daughter's mouse cage out this arvo dammit
    don't spose you can drive down and do it for me disso since u seem to be soooo very good with mice, lol
    hope ya catch all the lil fwuckers, but not too soon, cos the blogs are too funny!!
    and besides, it's giving u a focus too huh?
    well disso, here's to ure mice plague! cheers!
    *wine glasses clinking*

  2. Awww ... gee ... thanks, mate. I'll be right there with my mouse shit cleaning gloves on. LOL
